
The latest Aldeburgh Carnival updates.

Saturday August 17th – A Date for your Diary!

The All Star Rock School will be performing on Saturday August 17th as a fundraiser for Aldeburgh Carnival. Founder Rob Lewis will be accompanied by students past and present to give you an afternoons entertainment in aid of Carnival funds. Many thanks go to our...

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Bidding has started!

It's always thrilling to see the first bids come through on our fundraising Silent Auction. Once again our massive thanks go to the firms, shops and individuals who have supported us with donations, but now also to you - the bidders! - for supporting Carnival by...

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Choose Your Own Volunteering Spot … Online!

Our grateful thanks go to Aldeburgh Yacht Club who have made space available to us within their online volunteering system. Now you can take a look at what spots are needed, where, for what purpose and for how long, and pop your name into the system to cover as many...

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Carnival 2024 dates

Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th and Monday 19th August 2024

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